That lunchmeat basically changed my life.

Stuff I like. By that I mean stuff I like to talk about. By which I mean stuff I talk too long about to too many people who don't care but are too polite to walk away. (Thanks y'all!)

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Sadly, I seldom have access to deer sausage

This morning, I was happy to discover my superhero best friend's blog. She has inspired me to post, though about what I'm not sure...

Oh, I've got one. Hub and I made up a new game--we like to play it while we're going to sleep. We are making up entrees for our trendy new restaurant "FU-Jean" (pronounced French-tastically)

It basically started as a game where we tried to come up with ways to ruin a really beautiful fillet. But we have branched out since then. Here are a couple of our beef entrees:

Handcut beef tenderloin, seared rare and stuffed with a whole preserved lemon, served in a mold of strawberry Jello studded with capers and pickled ginger slices, and topped with a pinwheel of smoked salmon, Miracle Whip, and green peppercorns.


Or if you prefer:

10 oz Princess Cut Filet, charred and served in a House-made sundried-roasted garlic waffle cone, drizzled with bleu cheese butterscotch and cilantro whipped cream, and garnished with a poblano-smoked marischino cherry.


Mmmmm...tempting. Makes me hungry for a nice chewy ground beef and papaya breakfast smoothie!


Blogger PearJack said...

Those recipes sound like the fever-dreamed imaginings of a midwestern housewife.

ps is it okay if I'm a Red Sox fan all of a sudden? GO SOXXXXXXXX

10:35 PM  
Blogger Wifetastic said...

Mmmmmm. I just got through looking at the Mississippi Wildlife Dpeartment Fisheries Squirreleries Cloven toed0eries website. No kidding, they have a debate on how to cook squirrel brains. Makes GA look niiiiice.

5:41 PM  

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