That lunchmeat basically changed my life.

Stuff I like. By that I mean stuff I like to talk about. By which I mean stuff I talk too long about to too many people who don't care but are too polite to walk away. (Thanks y'all!)

Monday, September 17, 2007

Quick, give me a spoon.

Malibu was in town from Memphis this weekend and we had a really good time. Plenty of laughing, drinking, and name-faking. Also, she totally appreciated the earth-shattering ginger dressing. It's a surprisingly good sauce for chicken nuggets at 3 a.m. when you've had just about all of the other kind of delicious sauce that you can handle.

Friday, September 14, 2007


Whilst on hold w/ Bell South for the 57th minute today (sorry, boss!) I thought I might try to take my mind off my satellite TV woes by writing a poem about the best sponge that ever existed.

Oh, Hello, O-Cel-O...

Comes in a one-pack, blue and pink,
perched half soaked near my kitchen sink.
So many sponges are hard as bone--
even sopping wet, a stern, soapy stone.

But this lovely little number far surpasses-
it gently cleans my delicate flutes and glasses.
No-scratch scrubber, cheese and eggs don't stick--
My little new sponge knows all the right tricks.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

And that elegant black label with white a little tuxedo!

Favorite new food item--Naturally Fresh Ginger Dressing. At Sekisui, my favorite sushi restaurant, they have the best ginger dressing in all the land. Not too sweet, lots of chunky ginger, tangy--anyway, I don't want to think about it, it will make my taste buds cringe and my eyes water. In a good way---OH, in a good way.

Sekisui is in Memphis, so even though they sell styrofoam cups of this dressing to go (Weezer and I would always get one when we went and eat it all by the next damn day) it does me no good here in Hipstersburg, Georgia.

For years every time I would go to a new sushi restaurant, I would order a salad in fervent hope that the dressing would equal the orange ecstacy of Sekisui's. In other words, I ordered a lot of salads that I didn't really want after my sushi came, whereas at Sekisui, I would routinely embarass Weezer and myself by eating the remaining dressing in the bottom of the salad bowl (each and every shard of cabbage already fished out w/ chopsticks) with a soup spoon. Yeah, that's me, Slurpy McSaucelover.

Eventually, though, after year after icky-sweet-creamy-ginger-dressing year of disappointment discouraged me, I stopped playing around with salads at Japanese places altogether. More room for tuna, I said.

At the grosh recently, I was browsing the "salad" section, and a certain hue of orange caught my eye. I am a very big fan of Naturally Fresh (made right here in Georgia, in tha ATL) Ranch dressing, literally the only brand of pre-prepared bottled ranch I will eat, so I was emboldened to give their ginger dressing a try. And I wasn't disappointed.

Anything that makes you crave salad can't be a terrible thing, and while it's not low fat, it's not bad either. Husband really threw it into high gear by adding a little soy sauce and sriracha sauce to the mix. DAMN, so good.

No, it's not quite as good as Sekisui's, but it's good enough to soothe the sting of being so far away from one of my favorite food items of all time.

I don't, however, care for the fruit punch.

So, I have a bad habit about over-enthusing about pretty mundane things. Like toilet paper brands or generic Crystal Light lemonade. I thought I might redirect some of my blathering to this blog, an account I opened months ago, but couldn't bring myself to post in, because I'm too boring. Well, that hasn't changed. I'm still too boring to blog--but at least if boring posts are the plan all along I won't have to feel so shitty about it.