That lunchmeat basically changed my life.

Stuff I like. By that I mean stuff I like to talk about. By which I mean stuff I talk too long about to too many people who don't care but are too polite to walk away. (Thanks y'all!)

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Sadly, I seldom have access to deer sausage

This morning, I was happy to discover my superhero best friend's blog. She has inspired me to post, though about what I'm not sure...

Oh, I've got one. Hub and I made up a new game--we like to play it while we're going to sleep. We are making up entrees for our trendy new restaurant "FU-Jean" (pronounced French-tastically)

It basically started as a game where we tried to come up with ways to ruin a really beautiful fillet. But we have branched out since then. Here are a couple of our beef entrees:

Handcut beef tenderloin, seared rare and stuffed with a whole preserved lemon, served in a mold of strawberry Jello studded with capers and pickled ginger slices, and topped with a pinwheel of smoked salmon, Miracle Whip, and green peppercorns.


Or if you prefer:

10 oz Princess Cut Filet, charred and served in a House-made sundried-roasted garlic waffle cone, drizzled with bleu cheese butterscotch and cilantro whipped cream, and garnished with a poblano-smoked marischino cherry.


Mmmmm...tempting. Makes me hungry for a nice chewy ground beef and papaya breakfast smoothie!

Thursday, October 04, 2007

the golden age of library propaganda

My new favorite blog is the Annoyed Librarian. She's pretty famous... among a certain bored segment of the population that knows what MARC stands for, that is.

(By the way, if you're feeling a little full after lunch and dying for a nice, satisfying emesis, read this. It is already legendary for its complete and utter embarassing lameness.)

I honestly can't tell if the Annoyed Librarian is accessible to civilians or not, even though I haven't been trapped in library world for all that long. I tried reading Hub some of my favorite lines last night--he wasn't exactly rolling in the aisles, but then again reading funny things aloud doesn't always get the message across anyway. A sample passage:

"Thanks to my exhaustive analysis of the data, we have also discovered that rarely did our formative years lead us directly to librarianship. That was certainly true in my case. Had anyone told me in high school I would end up a librarian, I might have cried, and not with joy."

This pretty much sums up her attitude towards the profession. To delightful effect.

All that being said, reading her makes me feel very inadequate as a blogger, even considering the excessively low standard I set for myself.

I am really bad at judging what is clever, or funny, or stinging--there are some websites that I go to from time to time where I habitually leave comments. I will be work a "good one" up, chuckle indulgently at my own wry genius, and post a comment...only to discover it sounds 1000% lame. This is my blogging fear, my utter lack of perspective about my own wit. I know, I know--you're like, "You lack it! Mystery solved! You maxed out the creative juice with your masterpiece, 'Ode to a Black Miniskirt and Tights' in 1995!"

You're probably right. Nap now. I can has it?