Something that will make me sad all summer long
When J and I first moved to Georgia, on our short list of first things to do was go to Six Flags. Neither of us had been on a roller coaster for yearz n' yearz.
We had saved a decent amount of money before moving, but we didn't have jobs yet. Funds were tight, but Six Flags was in the budget. We went within days of arriving in Georgia.
When we got there, we approached the ticket window and saw that admission was a little bit more expensive than we'd thought. "OK, we don't have as much money to spend on concessions. No problem."
The woman who sold us our tickets asked first thing, "Do you have a coupon?" When we said no, she looked at us like we were the dumbest SOB's on the face of the earth.
Ever since then, every summer, every time I see a can of Coke, it makes me feel sorry for us--each and every can is a "two for one" Six Flags admission coupon. And every Wendy's cup, and every...just every everything. If only we'd known.